05 Oct

Recovering addicts / alcoholics often talk about the rewards of sobriety or recovery, as it is full of rewards (not the least of which are sanity, serenity and gratitude.)

But what of CHOICE?

An active addict cannot CHOOSE to not use, as they have a physical and/or psychological dependency. It's not that easy. Someone in an active addiction cannot wake up one day and decide to not use or drink. It's just not happening,

But once one sobers up, and learns the "fatal nature of their malady," they can choose to not use again. The power of choice is on the scene. If someone uses or drinks after getting clean and  sober, it is a choice or a decision they make (not a good one, granted, but its a choice.) It is not driven by dependency (physical and/or psychological) or compulsion. It is a choice.

So by stopping, and getting clean, our fate is in our hands. When using or drinking, the drink or the drug is running the show. But by NOT using, the power of choice is restored, and that's a huge deal.

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